A writing sabbatical (sort of)
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A writing sabbatical (sort of)

I am almost always writing, of course, but when I travel I like to focus particularly on my own writing instead of the writing, editing, ghostwriting, and research I do for other authors and for publishers. At the moment, I am in the Coachella Desert at a lovely resort. It is peaceful and inspiring. For those of you interested in my current projects, here we go:

The Sky Over Chaos – Short Stories by Markus McDowell

The Sky Over Chaos – Short Stories by Markus McDowell

Chaos rattles our arrogance, shakes loose the dust, breaks rigor mortis. In chaos, you find out who you are—what matters, what you fear, what you love…

Here is a collection of nine short stories about chaos in multiple genres: historical, speculative, stream-of-consciousness, poetic, literary, and more.

Don’t miss this novel! Recent reviews of To and Fro Upon the Earth: A Novel

Don’t miss this novel! Recent reviews of To and Fro Upon the Earth: A Novel

Since its release last year, To and Fro Upon the Earth: A Novel, has become McDowell’s best-selling book to date. An unusual tale of suffering and grief, which mesmerizes the read from start to finish, is a book for the ages. Here are some recent reader reviews.