Sneak Peek: Onesimus, a novel set in the first century Roman Empire

Sneak Peek: Onesimus, a novel set in the first century Roman Empire

Onesimus: A Novel of Early Christianity in the Roman Empire, by Markus McDowell, is a riveting historical fiction novel that vividly brings to life the first century Roman Empire. The novel centers around the character of Onesimus, a slave who seeks freedom through a nefarious scheme. When betrayed, he runs away, trying to navigate complex socio-political-religious landscape of the Roman Empire. Onesimus’ journey offers a compelling exploration of faith, identity, freedom, and the human spirit against the backdrop of one of the most transformative periods in human history.

The Toil and Joy of Creation: first draft of my historical fiction novel

The Toil and Joy of Creation: first draft of my historical fiction novel

I completed the first draft of a historical fiction novel featuring “desert Steve” Ragsdale, founder of Desert Center. The second draft will refine themes, plot, and character authenticity, evaluating the necessity of chronological events. This creative process involves deciding which material enhances Steve’s life story, balancing factual accuracy with engaging storytelling. Now begins the intricate crafting of these scenes into a compelling narrative.

Sneak Peak: Thomas “Pegleg” Smith (1801-1866) in a new historical fiction novel

Sneak Peak: Thomas “Pegleg” Smith (1801-1866) in a new historical fiction novel

Pegleg Smith was a historical character known mostly for his legendary lost mine in the California desert. Read this brief introduction to the man, as a character in Markus McDowell’s forthcoming historical fiction novel about Desert Steve Ragsdale, the founder of Desert center, California, in 1921.