Twice a year, I take a break from my scheduled writing posts, book reviews, social media posts, food and travel posts, and podcasts or audio book excerpts. Each sabbatical lasts four weeks—one in July and one in December.

Sometimes, in typical sabbatical fashion, I use the time to kick-start a new project, whether it be a novel, a short story collection, or some other project. At other times, I use it to take a step back and look at all the projects that I am working on, travel plans, bucket list items, as well as personal goals (physical, mental, literary, intellectual, and emotional).

Until August 23, I won’t be posting much. There may be a few off-the-cuff status reports if I am so inclined, but I am not setting any tasks or schedules beyond the purpose of the sabbatical.

I will be reviewing my writing projects (my books and ghostwriting projects) and my author platform (both content and scheduling). I’m will explore better ways to get my work out to more readers, but also more ways to interact with my readers, which I really enjoy and makes me a better writer.

During this time, I will respond to messages through my email, or social media posts, or comments on the blog (you can always contact my assistant Veronica, too, if you wish).

Meanwhile, if you want to explore my archive of posts, click below:

Thank you, to all of you who support me, whether by reading my blog, buying my books, and especially to those of you who support my work as a patron. I hope you are as blessed by my work as I am by your comments, encouragement, and support.

I hope to have exciting new things for you in four weeks! Until then, stayed tuned.

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