Author’s note: In very early drafts, before the first draft was completed, Pate’s character (the protagonist) was quite different from the final version (at one point in the outlining, he was even a antagonist!) One of the things he did was completely change his look through surgery, diet, and exercise. This was after the failed operation in Istanbul. Here, he tests his new persona while living in Paris.
I walked into the outdoor section of the café. I took my usual table at the usual time. Sylvie approached, as I expected.
“Pardon, monsieur, mais cette table est reserve.”
I looked up into her brown French eyes. “Sylvie.” I kept looking, boring into her brain.
Not even a glimmer of recognition. She was confused, and a bit irritated.
“Please, monsieur—”
“Sylvie, c’est moi.” I leaned forward. I held up my hand and showed her the ring.
Confusion turned to embarrassment. Her hand flew to her mouth.
“Oh, pardon, monsieur, pardon! I did not recognize you. You…you…”
I smiled without humor. “Don’t look very attractive?”
She squirmed. I reveled.
“Oh, no, monsieur, no…I mean…”
“Oui, oui, mademoiselle. Say it.” I stood and leaned closer. “Say it.” I almost growled it. She flinched. I was being mean.
“Ah, ah, oui, monsieur. You…you do not look yourself. So…common.” I nodded, encouraging her. “Unattractive, sir, with my apology.” It pained her to be so impolite. I sat back down and smiled.
“Merci, Sylvie. Espresso, s’ll vous plait. And…a man will come here asking for me. Tell him you do not know me, but he is welcome to look.”
“Oui, monsieur. Toute de suite.” She hurried off.
After a couple of sips, I saw him enter the plaza. He looked around. His eyes scanned over me, past me. There was no recognition. I was a stranger to him. He started towards me, frowning. Then he stopped and looked at his watch. He frowned again.
Sylvie approached the man and he asked a question. She shook her head. He nodded, and an expression of irritation crossed his face. Exquisite. He looked around the cafe again, his eyes resting on me for only a brief moment.
Perfect. I smiled, dropped six euros on the table, drained my espresso, and left.
I walked right by the man and caught his glance. He gave a polite but meaningless nod.
I smiled as I walked down Rue de St. George.

Immerse yourself in a compelling exploration of the human condition in the near future with Mortals As They Walk, another masterpiece of speculative fiction by Markus McDowell.
In an age when biotechnology stretches the limits of ethics and legality, a man, woman, and young child are caught up in a heavily funded project based on the work of a brilliant geneticist. But bio-research firms, Big Pharm, governments, and black marketeers see a way to become wealthy and powerful. Kidnappings, payoffs, political intrigue, and murder follow the test subjects, who must decide what to do with the data and the lives that have been destroyed—and find a way to save the child.
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