All of my novels to date have been standalone novels. I had always been interested in writing a trilogy, to explore larger themes and arcs of plot and character. But I had to have the right idea—I would rather not write a trilogy just to write a trilogy, I wanted the concept to inherently cry out for a triad structure.

Last year, I came across the idea and began jotting down ideas. As I was finishing my last novel, Nuff Sed: A Novel of Desert Steve, I happened upon some ancient documents which sparked the idea. The concepts and themes naturally fell into three parts.

I had found my trilogy.

Once Nuff Sed was sent off to the publisher, I began researching for the trilogy. I wanted to do all the research for all three books before beginning to outline the first volume. That way, I could have the entire arc in mind, with themes and plots in a general sense, tying the three together. In addition, the research gave me ideas for titles. While these titles could change, here is what I have so far :

The Bright Star Trilogy

Book 1: Seven Planets

Book 2: Two Dragons

Book 3: Twelve Foundations

Based on the research, I decided that this series would be best written as a science fiction novel. The themes are best explored by removing them from our current or past world, and setting them in a time and place that would allow some creativity and freedom without being tied to the world we know, despite those themes being rooted and directed at our contemporary world. I have found that distance allows a less biased approach to writing and to reading.

I have written one other science fiction novel, Mortals As They Walk, set slightly in the future when genetic engineering has taken a leap forward. Despite these works being science fiction, the characters drive the entire narrative. While my research into the science was extensive, I want the story to be about people, the human condition, and how we deal with each other.

At the beginning of my research, I set a general schedule for myself.

As you can see, I finished the research on December 1, 2024, and then turned to outlining the first and the series (Seven Planets). I completed the outline on February 25, and then began doing detailed scene and chapter outlines (which is where I am now).

I am excited to begin writing the first draft in a week, although I am not sure whether I’m going to make that deadline (I estimate it might take another two weeks).

If you’re interested in my progress, join Team Markus (as a subscriber (free), or as a patron to receive extras and discounts on all my books).

cover mockup of Seven Planets, a novel by Markus McDowell

Coming in 2025

Advancements and technologies offers promises of an easy life, quick access to information, universal care, no suffering, and equality for all. It seems idyllic, as if humanity has almost reached utopia.

Yet some warn that, under the surface and behind the platitudes, suffering and judgment still reign. There are still enemies. Evil still exists.

Sometimes, the danger to humanity is not from without, but from within.  And sometimes, the people we trust are the ones we should fear the most.

Seven Planets is the first in a trilogy set in a universe that pronounces justice and victory for all, while hiding a dark secret that could spell destruction for everyone.

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