1. Slave
The voice echoed through the window. A window with no glass or covering. The sound died quickly in the tiny room.
He sat on a wooden bench, head in hands. He was ignoring his name, though he knew that the owner of the voice would find him soon enough.
“Onesimus!” Closer now, and sounding more than a little irritated. He still didn’t move.
Soon, footsteps sounded in the short hallway. The canvas flap over the doorway snapped open.
Onesimus dropped his hands and looked up. The young man had his hands on hips, face red with frustration. On a more imposing figure, it might be intimidating. On Giton, it was just amusing. Onesimus let out a huff. Half amusement; half irritation.
“What are you doing here in our room? The domine sent me to fetch you thirty minutes ago. I have looked everywhere—even the latrines!”
Onesimus considered that Giton’s large nose looked even more ridiculous when it was red with anger. They were almost the same age, but Onesimus thought of Giton as a child. No skills, no depth of thought, no education. Their only similarity was that they had the same master and the same status. The latter irked Onesimus.
“Well, if I hadbeen in the latrine and you’d come in, you’d have gone out with a black eye.”
Giton tightened his jaw. “I don’t know why you are so rude. It’ll be you that gets beaten if you don’t get up to the villa. The master needs you immediately.” He turned with great drama and stomped out. His voice came back down the hall: “Tell him your delay was not my fault—or I will!”
Onesimus still sat. He gazed up at the small window. The sky was clear and blue. Giton’s sandals scuffed in the dirt as he made his way out of the slave compound. It’s an insult to send that cretin to “fetch” me. He’s no match for my worth.
He stood up. No matter. He and Turia had a plan. A good one. It would take a while. But it would solve all his problems.
Crossing to a small table, he splashed his face with water from a clay bowl, using a nearby rag to dry off. Taking a deep breath, he left the small cell—one among six in the hutment.
He blinked in the sunshine as he made his way between the four short slave buildings made of stone, wattle, and wood. Ahead was a gurgling stream spanned by a stone and wood footbridge. The path led up the hill and to his master’s villa.
He smiled at the sound of the mill’s wheel creaking in the distance. It made him recall last night with Turia. An iron hammer was striking metal somewhere off to his right. Probably the smith at the stables. Behind him, beyond a stand of trees, women were working the wheat fields at the back of the estate. An occasional laugh floated up the little valley.
He passed through Italian gardens on the slope—a feature that gave his master great pride. The domine had lived here for many decades, but he had grown up in Italia. He spoke of it a lot. Onesimus would love to visit Italia—especially Rome! That’s where everything important happened.
But that was not where his plan led.
Reaching the top, Onesimus passed before the entrance to the covered patio which looked out over the gardens and beyond, in the distance, to the green and brown slopes of Mount Cadmus.
He spun at the sound of Turia’s voice, who had just come out of the patio entrance. She bounced down the steps, holding a basket of folded clothes against her hip. She kissed him on the cheek.
“Turia!” Onesimus hissed. He glanced left and right.
She laughed. It was a laugh that Onesimus found beautiful and free, though others might have thought it dismissive. Her voice had that effect on him on the day they met. Almost a year ago, when the master had purchased her in Ephesus.
“No one is around. It is mid-morning and everyone is at work, and the family is in their quarters. You should be at work, too. What are you doing up here?”
“Got tired of counting bolts of leather and decided to take a stroll.” He smiled at her frown. “Actually, Giton came screaming for me. The master has an errand for me.”
She tossed her head, the bundle of her luxurious brown hair shaking slightly. She tilted her head and fixed him with a stern look.
“Maybe he is going to reprimand you for missing the meeting last night.” She raised her eyebrows.
Her large, white eyes and dark green-brown pupils made him care even less about meetings or Giton or anything. She was so alive and exotic. Someone had told him that her mother had come from the Far East—perhaps beyond the Indus River.
Onesimus shook his head. “The master doesn’t require attendance.”
“True, but I would like you to be there. A chance to be together, after all. And it wouldn’t hurt to give lip service to the master’s interests. Might put you in a better standing.”
“Well, first, I don’t believe in all that foreign philosophy. I follow the same gods as always. Besides, I don’t want to hobnob with other slaves. There are freedmen less competent and intelligent than I am!”
She smiled and placed a delicate hand on his arm. “I know. You should be the vilici of the household.”
He smiled. She saw his worth. “Well, someday, maybe I’ll have my own vilici! And we’ll be far from here.”
She searched his eyes for a moment, then dropped her gaze. “Speaking of our plan…I don’t like to keep the money in my room. Claudia is a suspicious one.”
“Claudia is a mouse.”
“I don’t care. It’s dangerous. Find a better place.”
He sighed. She was so adamant sometimes. “I can’t keep it in my room. Giton goes through my stuff all the time.”
“If we are discovered, it won’t matter whether it is by Giton or Claudia. Find somewhere else, okay?”
“Fine, fine. If it’ll make you quit worrying.”
“It will. Thank you.” She laughed again. With a swish of her tunic, she shifted the basket to the other hip.
“Meet me at the mill again tonight?”
She leaned in and whispered, her lips barely touching his ear. “We’ll see.”
With that, she was gone, looking back with a playful glance before she turned the corner of the villa.
Onesimus basked in the afterglow of her presence. He had never known anyone like Turia. A lover. A partner. Sure, he wasn’t that old. But she was the only thing that made living at the villa worthwhile. And their plan would lead to the fulfillment of all he hoped for.
Onesimus is a gripping historical novel that brings to life the transformative journey of Onesimus, a runaway slave in the Roman Empire. Seamlessly blending historical accuracy with rich storytelling, McDowell explores themes of freedom, faith, and redemption.
Follow Onesimus as he navigates the complexities of early Christian communities, encounters the apostle Paul, and grapples with his own identity and purpose. This compelling narrative not only illuminates a lesser-known biblical figure but also offers timeless reflections on justice, human dignity, and spiritual transformation.
Available from select retailers in paperback and eBook. Audiobook coming in 2024.

Discover more from Markus McDowell, author
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